Save Big on Roofing
Crane Rental

We purchased our first 18 ton crane for our own use in 1975 and began our rental business shortly after. Our fleet of state-of-the-art hydraulic cranes ranges from 8.5 tons to 300 tons. We are equipped for virtually any job, but our selection does not include a tower crane.
Please visit our crane rental guide to learn more about what we need to know to give you the best solution for your job.
Our location near I-80, I-81 and US Routes 11/15 allows us to get to your location quickly via a direct route, saving you time and money. We serve clients in central Pennsylvania and beyond, including Harrisburg, Williamsport, Hazleton, State College, York, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, and Sunbury.
Machinery moving. Rigging. Truss setting. Steel erection. Pre-engineered metal buildings. Precast – Walls/Beams/Panels. Silos and tanks.
Give us a call – We do it all!
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Best Roofers Near Me

Best Roofers Near Me | Networx When you’re looking to hire a roofer, expect to pay an average of $4500 – $8600 for a roof replacement or about $310 – $1000 for roof repair.rn
Cost will vary according to factors like:rn
u25cf Size of your roof and number of roofing squares (1 square = 100² ft) needed to coverrn
u25cf Number of storiesrn
u25cf Roof type and pitchrn
u25cf Roofing material to be usedrn
u25cf Whether the existing roof needs to be removed for a roof replacement (if it’s badly waterlogged or damaged, made of certain materials, or 2 layers thick)rn
Complexity of the roof installation or repair”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some common types of roofing jobs that roofers typically perform?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
-Replace or install a new roof rn
-Existing roof repair rn
-Repair or install siding rn
-Gutter installation or repair rn
-Skylights rn
-Roof cleaning rn
-Snow & ice dam removal “}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can roofers provide a service that would improve a homeu2019s property value?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Yes! Your roof can either decrease or increase home value, depending on its condition. Missing or cracked roof shingles scare potential buyers. Home buyers are extremely wary of having to make expensive repairs. It is best to have a professional roofer assess the condition of your roof. New shingles will change the look of your house, and there are many shingle styles to choose from. Although a new roof is a big-ticket item, you can expect to recoup 63% of the cost. Your roof is an investment that you cannot ignore.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Would you be responsible for providing equipment/materials for this roofers contractor?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Some roofers will prefer to use their own materials. Usually, the cost to hire a roofer includes all supplies and equipment.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you perform roofing yourself?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
If you need to perform a minor repair, like fixing a leak or replacing a few shingles, you may be able to DIY. However, this is only advised if you’re comfortable spending time on the roof and can do so safely.rn
However, for major repairs that are beyond your expertise or complicated procedures that require spending long periods of time on the roof, it’s best to hire an experienced professional from local roofing companies. Additionally, a roofer should and has the ability to inspect your roof periodically for damage caused by the elements.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How to find an expert roofer?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best way to start is by asking around. Get recommendations from family, friends, and neighbors. Was the price fair? Were they pleased with the results? Did the contractor guarantee his work, and for how long?rn If you need more options, check out reviews online.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some recommended questions to ask the roofing contractor before I hire?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
{ if (text.includes(’email’)) { return mapToText[’email’] } else if (text.includes(‘phone’)) { return mapToText[‘phone’] } } mixpanelService.trackError({ error_type: checkText(text), error_text: text }) }) }); ]]> { window.location.href = getListedUrl ; mixpanelService.trackClick(‘Join as a pro’, {component: ‘Header’}); }); $(‘.login’).on(‘mouseenter click’,() => { mixpanelService.trackClick(‘Header Button Click’, { element: ‘Login’ }) }); $(‘.ho-login’).on(‘click’, () => { mixpanelService.trackLoginClick({component: ‘Header’, type: ‘HO’}); }); $(‘.co-login’).on(‘click’, () => { mixpanelService.trackLoginClick({component: ‘Header’, type: ‘CO’}); }); ]]>
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Roofer?
When you’re looking to hire a roofer, expect to pay an average of $4500 – $8600 for a roof replacement or about $310 – $1000 for roof repair.
Cost will vary according to factors like:
● Size of your roof and number of roofing squares (1 square = 100² ft) needed to cover
● Number of stories
● Roof type and pitch
● Roofing material to be used
● Whether the existing roof needs to be removed for a roof replacement (if it’s badly waterlogged or damaged, made of certain materials, or 2 layers thick)
Complexity of the roof installation or repair
What are some common types of roofing jobs that roofers typically perform?
-Replace or install a new roof
-Existing roof repair
-Repair or install siding
-Gutter installation or repair
-Roof cleaning
-Snow & ice dam removal
Can roofers provide a service that would improve a home’s property value?
Yes! Your roof can either decrease or increase home value, depending on its condition. Missing or cracked roof shingles scare potential buyers. Home buyers are extremely wary of having to make expensive repairs. It is best to have a professional roofer assess the condition of your roof. New shingles will change the look of your house, and there are many shingle styles to choose from. Although a new roof is a big-ticket item, you can expect to recoup 63% of the cost. Your roof is an investment that you cannot ignore.
Would you be responsible for providing equipment/materials for this roofers contractor?
Some roofers will prefer to use their own materials. Usually, the cost to hire a roofer includes all supplies and equipment.
Can you perform roofing yourself?
If you need to perform a minor repair, like fixing a leak or replacing a few shingles, you may be able to DIY. However, this is only advised if you’re comfortable spending time on the roof and can do so safely.
However, for major repairs that are beyond your expertise or complicated procedures that require spending long periods of time on the roof, it’s best to hire an experienced professional from local roofing companies. Additionally, a roofer should and has the ability to inspect your roof periodically for damage caused by the elements.
How to find an expert roofer?
The best way to start is by asking around. Get recommendations from family, friends, and neighbors. Was the price fair? Were they pleased with the results? Did the contractor guarantee his work, and for how long?
If you need more options, check out reviews online.
What are some recommended questions to ask the roofing contractor before I hire?
Asking these important questions will help you find a top roofing pro in your area with the right experience and business practices for your needs.
-Are you licensed and insured?
-What kind of work do you do most?
-Will you provide references (for past jobs similar to mine)?
-What does your estimate include?
-What will you guarantee/warranty?
Articles and Tips
Rain Chains
Want a decorative alternative to downspouts? Try an elegant Japanese rain chain! Whether purchased…
Why Choose A Networx Roofer For Your Upcoming Roofing Project?
It’s our mission to provide a superb experience for you by helping you quickly and easily connect with local professional roofing contractors so that you can make the best choice for your roofing needs. Whether you need commercial or residential roofing services, rest assured we will find the right local contractor for you.
Every roofer on our site has been screened by us to ensure they are certified and licensed to perform roofing services with top of the line workmanship, including roof replacement and roof installation. In order to be listed with us, our roofing contractors are required to maintain a high level of professionalism and provide excellent customer service – if we receive any valid negative feedback about any of our roofers, we will promptly remove them from our site. If you find yourself asking, “where are local roofing companies near me?”, you are in luck as we service in the following cities and states!
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