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Contractors play a pivotal role in disaster preparedness and recovery, providing essential services and products in times of need.

Engaging in relief contracts contributes to national preparedness and opens up significant revenue opportunities for small businesses. These contracts can range from short-term to long-term commitments, potentially extending over several years.


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We purchased our first 18 ton crane for our own use in 1975 and began our rental business shortly after. Our fleet of state-of-the-art hydraulic cranes ranges from 8.5 tons to 300 tons. We are equipped for virtually any job, but our selection does not include a tower crane.

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China Stocks and Currency Sink After Weak Response to Real

Stocks in China tumbled and the currency weakened on Monday after the country’s central bank announced a smaller-than-expected cut in a key interest rate.

Many investors and economists had been expecting Beijing to act more decisively on interest rates as China faces falling housing prices, weak consumer spending and broad debt troubles.

The central bank, the People’s Bank of China, shaved only a tenth of a percentage point off the benchmark one-year interest rate used for most corporate loans, with no change at all in the five-year rate used for pricing mortgages. The slight reduction for one-year loans was the second time in two months that the government had pushed down commercial banks’ lending rates.

The modest scale of the cut on Monday was the latest sign that the government’s usual tools for addressing an economic slowdown may have lost some of their effectiveness, economists said.

“This will provide only modest support to credit growth and wider economic activity,” Capital Economics, a London research firm, said in a note.

Global investment banks have rushed to reduce their forecasts of the Chinese economy’s growth, for which Beijing has a target this year of “around 5 percent.” UBS announced on Monday, shortly before the interest rate cut, that it was lowering its expectations for growth to 4.8 percent this year and 4.2 percent next year. Nomura of Japan is even gloomier, predicting on Friday that growth will be 4.6 percent this year while keeping its forecast for next year at 3.9 percent.

The CSI 300 index of large Chinese companies traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen fell 1.4 percent on Monday, while the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong, which also includes many large Chinese companies, tumbled 1.8 percent to its lowest level since November. The Hang Seng has fallen for seven consecutive sessions and is down more than 12 percent in August.

The renminbi closed weaker than 7.3 to the dollar on Monday in Shanghai trading, a level that the Chinese government tried to maintain last November, when the currency was at its weakest since 2007. It weakened even more on Monday in Hong Kong, where trading is less tightly controlled. It took more than 7.335 renminbi to buy $1 by midafternoon there.

The authorities in Beijing use the country’s cash reserves and state-controlled banks to buy and sell currencies in an effort to limit moves in the renminbi’s value against the dollar.

The renminbi suddenly rebounded a bit in the final minutes of Shanghai and Hong Kong trading. The Chinese government has a long history of intervening in currency markets at the end of trading sessions to prevent closing prices from showing sharp changes.

As a result, many investors view intraday movements of the renminbi, which is also known as the yuan, as a truer measure of its value.

“The intraday shows you the direction the market wants to take the yuan, and the close is more likely to show you the government’s action,” said Diana Choyleva, the chief economist at Enodo Economics in London.

The rate cut announced on Monday was intended to make it a little cheaper for companies and households to borrow money and to make payments on existing loans. But the full effect of the reduction may be delayed because the interest rates on most loans are reset annually, often at the start of each year.

The central bank, in consultation with state-controlled commercial banks, reduced the one-year benchmark interest rate for corporate loans to 3.45 percent, from 3.55 percent. The benchmark interest rate for five-year loans stayed at 4.2 percent.

A survey of 35 economists by Reuters last week showed that all of them expected the central bank to reduce interest rates for five-year loans as well as one-year loans.

Last week, the central bank lowered borrowing costs for commercial banks by 0.15 percentage points. By making a more modest cut in the one-year lending rate and leaving the five-year rate untouched, policymakers were, in effect, widening the profit margins for banks.

China’s commercial banks have lent enormous amounts in recent years to developers and home buyers — the same groups that have been hit hardest by China’s housing crash.

More than 50 developers have already defaulted or stopped payments on overseas bonds. Country Garden has become the country’s largest developer to run into financial difficulties, with some $200 billion in unpaid bills.

The opaque accounting of China’s state-controlled financial system has made it difficult for outsiders to discern the scale of the banks’ real-estate-related losses. Wider profit margins on loans could help banks accumulate more reserves to offset these losses.


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Waco, Texas

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“I’m in aviation and my dad’s worked with metal buildings for over twenty years. Bottom line, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! Going with the cheapest always winds up costing more in the long run. I’m glad I chose Armstrong Steel and that’s why I insisted my friend Martin, who owns a flight academy, call them for his hangar too.”

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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– Ed P.,
Pasadena, Texas

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“This building was a place where I could set up my children with a place to carry on a long family tradition. I felt that Armstrong really wanted to help me out, not just sell me something, and that meant a lot. From the moment I walked into Armstrong Steel, this place seemed like a big family and they were inviting me to be a part of it.”

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Glenwood Springs, Colorado

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Premium Louvered Roofs

After 13 years of industry experience, significant research, and thorough development, we are proud to present the Sundance Louvered Roof. Each system is structurally engineered to last in all climates. We carefully selected robust extruded aluminum to produce our high-quality, durable, and elegant product. It’s designed with 14 features that are connected to 3 main benefits so that we will provide each customer with a year-round luxury getaway in their own outdoor living space.


Find Local Foundation Repair Contractors, Companies, and Quotes

Get Foundation Quotes From Experts

The foundation of your home is exactly that – it is the base supporting your entire house. So, when the foundation develops issues, you must repair them immediately. If you have noticed signs of foundation issues in your home and you would like to get a quick, easy quote from your local professional, enter your zip code above and tell us a little about your project.

How To Identify Foundation Issues

When the foundation under your home begins to deteriorate, you’ll notice signs around your home. Telltale indicators of foundation issues include cracks in the walls, floors, and columns. You also might see misalignment in the doors and window frames, where the door doesn’t seem to line up with the frame, making it difficult to open the door.

In addition, you might notice bowing in your basement walls, where the walls seem to bend inward, or sagging crawl space floors. There might be water damage throughout lower portions of your home, especially in your basement, as water seeps through cracks in the foundation.

Outside your home, your chimney might lean to one side, and the front porch or stoop might seem as though it sits lower than normal.

If you’re not sure if your home has foundation issues or not, you can hire a structural engineer to assess it. They can determine if there are any problems and recommend the best solutions.

Common Causes Of Foundation Damage

Foundation problems can arise from various occurrences, but a few common causes are familiar to foundation repair companies.

For example, if you live in the southern portion of the United States (Texas and surrounding states), your home likely sits atop expansive clay soil. In dry seasons, the soil contracts, but in wet seasons, the soil expands. This contraction and expansion throughout the seasons cause the foundation to rise and fall, leading to damage.

Alternatively, your home’s foundation might sit on poorly compacted fill soil. Compacting the fill soil underneath a new foundation is essential, as loose soil will eventually settle, causing issues with the foundation.

Sometimes, the problems might stem from a plumbing leak hiding beneath the slab. When this happens, water seeps into the soil underneath your home, eventually compromising the foundation’s structural integrity if it goes unchecked.

Another common problem associated with foundation damage is tree roots beneath the foundation. If you have large trees surrounding your home, it’s possible for them to sap the water from the soil under your home, leaving the earth dry and shriveled. This can cause the foundation to settle unevenly, causing cracks and damage throughout your home.

How Much Does Foundation Repair Cost?

The cost of repairing a damaged foundation fluctuates drastically based on the severity of the issue. On average, homeowners should expect to pay anywhere from $2,010 and $7,717 to have professionals repair their foundations. However, this number may fluctuate based on how extensive the damage is.

For minor repairs, homeowners might pay as little as $500. However, more extensive repairs can cost up to $10,000, especially if the repair requires hydraulic piers.

The longer it takes to complete the repair, the more expensive the total will be. Many contractors specializing in foundation repair charge about $200 per hour (national average), although this varies based on geographical location and the cost of living in your area. Foundation issues often lead to settled floors, misaligned doors, cracked interior walls, and in severe cases, collapsed ceilings and burst pipes.

In some scenarios, the foundation damage may be irreversible, so repairs are unnecessary, as they cannot fix the damage.

What Happens If You Don’t Fix Foundation Issues?

While repairing major foundation issues may seem like a daunting task, failing to address the issues accordingly can exacerbate the problem and cause ripple effects throughout your entire home. You’ll likely notice various warning signs of foundation problems, including structural damage, plumbing problems, and water damage, among other issues.

Structural Damage

If left unchecked, foundation issues can lead to extensive structural damage. Doors and windows may develop gaps and not close properly, floors might dip or round, and walls might crack. The longer the problem persists, the more issues you’ll notice throughout your home.

Eventually, ceilings, upstairs walls, wooden cross beams, and attached garages may begin to display the effects of your home’s foundation issues. In severe cases, ceilings can collapse, and cracked walls will become the norm, making your home unsafe to stay in.

Plumbing Issues

Foundation issues pose a significant threat to plumbing throughout your home. This is especially true for pier and beam foundations, where pipes can become intertwined with the foundation and weave into the house.

With slab foundations, issues can lead to damaged plumbing as the slab shifts, potentially snapping pipes throughout your home. Pinpointing this issue can be tricky, especially when the problem lies beneath your home. Generally, you’ll need professional assistance to diagnose this issue.

The problem can even plague the pipes running through your walls and beneath floors, as shifting foundations can place stress in these areas by causing structural displacement throughout your home.

Water Damage

Cracks in your foundation and crumbled concrete throughout the slab make your home exceptionally vulnerable to water damage. Moisture can seep into your home via these cracks and crumbled spots, potentially causing significant water damage throughout your home.

If you have a basement, water can seep through the basement walls, causing damage to flooring, furniture, walls, and other structures throughout the space. The longer the moisture remains a problem, the higher the likelihood of mold and mildew growth in your basement. Certain types of mold and mildew can cause cold-like symptoms, including nasal stuffiness, coughing, asthma, eye and throat irritation, and similar respiratory complications.


Premium Louvered Roofs

After 13 years of industry experience, significant research, and thorough development, we are proud to present the Sundance Louvered Roof. Each system is structurally engineered to last in all climates. We carefully selected robust extruded aluminum to produce our high-quality, durable, and elegant product. It’s designed with 14 features that are connected to 3 main benefits so that we will provide each customer with a year-round luxury getaway in their own outdoor living space.
